Playing Gaiman's Endless

While browsing through previous issues of FHM, we came across a Neil Gaiman interview - in which one of the questions was who would play the Endless if "The Sandman" was translated into a movie. Granted that it won't be (the whole thing's 70-odd issues, the eight story arcs of which would not be done justice to by any trilogy, quadrology, quintology or whatever cinematic serial acrobatics anyone can come up with), I found myself starting to think about who could indeed play each of the Endless. Gaiman only answered for Death and Dream - but I'm going for all seven. For Destiny, the first actor to jump up and down in my head was Liam Neeson, if only for the automatic tags he has as a god, a retired dude with specific skill sets apart from parenting, and an absurdly large and golden lion. But then, if the voice is anything to go by, I would choose Morgan Freeman (since, as in the internets, he can be saying "titty sprinkles" and still sound like a god...