Reading one of the stories in Ray Bradbury's We'll Always Have Paris put me in mind of a lot of things, things mainly concerned with endings. I have to confess I don't understand why he is considered a superb writer, and in my defense I might have been reading him wrong, if that is any defense. He's okay, but he leaves me hanging, un-proverbially, in the sense of "is that it?" But there's this particular story (which I didn't finish reading) that launched me into imagining another story (which might turn out to be what he really wrote). Imagine that when one dies, he can still persist for a time, although apparently not in the same form and hence capacity as was his in this life. I don't refer to religious belief in an afterlife; imagine him knowing simultaneous to his being aware of his continuation, that his continuation chiefly means continuing to generally experience, and experiencing those things he hasn't from before. Bradbury list...