The year of comics

I was in my second year in high school when someone from I forgot where delivered a lecture about Wasted by Gerry Alanguilan for something I forgot. Apparently, the only thing that stuck with me was this comic, which I purchased shortly after this person talked about it. I'm sorry I don't remember her, I would have thanked her for the recommendation. I was very impressed with the thing. The entire thing - the drawings, the lines, the characters, the story - all these impressed me. I'd like to think that being an impressionable and inevitably miserable teenager didn't have anything to do with it, although that was arguable. At any rate, it was vastly different from the Archie and the Funny Komiks I grew up reading (though I was reading mostly prose in those days, and I was still wondering whether any book can match To Kill a Mockingbird ). Now and then I could borrow Pugad Baboy from one of my schoolmates or ...