The holidays, and Ponki the cat

As per holiday custom I spent some time with my family, who are presently all in San Fernando, La Union. Before going there I had to stop by Baguio to check if the house is still there, and ended up having my friends clean it. Had I taken pictures I would've posted them, but I'm sure making chambermaids out of your friends isn't something to be proud of. They insisted cleaning, and I insisted they sit down, and, as these things go among friends, we all insisted one another while cleaning the house. I spent one night in Baguio, grateful that I have friends. Off to La Union, where we spent Christmas, and my mother went back here with me to spend a few days with us. With us also came a young cat. Pasco and I took my mother to the place we went to here , where the bridge stills smirks from what it thinks is a very clever way of being a bridge. Her vacation ended a bit too soon. I miss my mother, though I am glad she can walk around unassist...