The Joker: Endgame

Image courtesy of I still haven't read the Batman end of Endgame , but I'll say this with the confidence of a planet in a field of dandelions: though it follows the Night of Owls, Death of the Family , Zero Year, The Joker: Endgame stands out by a mile in the way Snyder's storytelling has, to my eyes, grown. Snyder and his team has injected more depth in The Joker's character in an amazingly short amount of time and pages, given that the compilation is riddled with side stories apart from the event itself. It collects Batman #35-40, Arkham Manor: Endgame #1, Batgirl: Endgame #1, Batman Annual #3, Detective Comics: Endgame #1 and Gotham Academy: Endgame #1. Spoilers ahead, somewhat. This time brought out as the Pale Man who suspiciously appears in all of Gotham's historical tragedies, The Joker has upped his abnormality by having had access to Dionesium sometime after the events of Death of the Family . Because...