No Longer Human

It's ultimately funny how I ended up reading No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai. It was recommended to me by an acquaintance who loves Japanese culture more than I do, and I put off reading it for nearly a year. Then last night I started to write in my journal, with my beer-addled brain, "There is a strength that you get from needing no one. But it comes with a price: you will no longer be human. I will continue this thought when I have read Osamu Dazai's work. That phrase just leapt up in my mind, and that work called me." So I read it, leaving that stupid introduction to a journal entry justifiably unfinished. Offhand, I could compare its atmosphere slightly to Camus's The Stranger , only more surreal (as only the Japanese can be - think Haruki Murakami without his gentleness of cadence, and instead of turning to the fantastic as Murakami does, Osamu Dazai turns to the psychological). Nuanced, this book is either a pull under the rug so massive you will fee...