The Vault

I've been playing Diablo since it came out and I was nay high. I remember the chunky graphics of the first game, and the hours I spent being a barbarian raiding everywhere I can get to and leaving piles of money on the church courtyard because.. I didn't have inventory space? I was afraid of losing it in the dungeons? I don't remember. I didn't have a chance to play Diablo II because I was busy picking up bad habits in college, and went straight to Diablo III on a secondhand PS3 (wizard level 68) and sometimes dicking around with my nephew's PS4 (monk level 65). I spent around 150 hours on that game, and now that my life partner thought it a good idea (bless 'im) to bring his Nintendo Switch to the Philippines while living with me, I have spent a good 70+ hours on it on the Switch with a character who Tim calls "Jizzlove" for its unpronounceable default Zdislav. Level 70 paragon 31, aw yiss. While playing adventure mode this evening I was mashi...