Thinking about generative art

I have been trying my hand at generative AI art for a couple of months. Some thoughts: Art is from the word 'ars,' meaning 'skill,' or 'craft.' Applied to what I do, which is generate images using AI algorithms (by putting descriptive prompts), this definition makes me immediately hit a roadblock, especially since "generative art" is actually a phrase in the Internet. What is the art, or skill, in what I do? I am not skilled the way a sculptor is skilled: a sculptor makes sculpture. It is not in this sense that I make an image from the algorithm. There are two senses to the word "creation" or "artist" involved in the case of an AI-generative artist and a sculptor. Which led me to consider that "make" isn't the right word for what I do - it's more like "curate." The images are there, after all, and the images are the bases from which the AI generates further images from which I then choose. Or anoth...