Echo: Chapter 7

Seven hours later, the dying notes of Far Out and Karra’s Constellation were abruptly broken by Bjørn’s call blasting through my headset. After Erik’s call ending our conversation and me looking at my phone, I put it away, went to my desktop, and looked at my workload for the day. Another long day, for which I am thankful: work, like dishes, keeps me sane and drowns the cacophony normally in my head. “I’m leaving in two weeks,” was the first thing Bjørn said in the voice call. Having too many things happen all at once made me constitutionally unable to react to his pronouncement. He continued, not hearing my stunned silence, or perhaps not thinking anything of it, “Captain Josef of the Florence encountered rough seas on their run, and his first mate has been hit on the head by a crab pot. He had to be medevac’d the one thousand two hundred-mile distance to the nearest land.” “The Florence ? Another red king crab vessel?” “Not mainly. It hauls skrei off of Skarsvag and...