
Showing posts from June, 2010

Of terrible things and memory

Consider for example, the difference among the proclamations, “the night contains terrible things, and it is presently the witching hour,” “the night contains terrible things, and I have so many demons, for I am a troubled man,” and “the night contains terrible things, and I am them”.   Remember them; we would create a whole fiasco revolving around these.  So again, put simply, the first one says “I am subject to all­-around terribleness,” the second, “I am haunted by my own everything,” the third one, “the night contains terrible things, and I am them.” Apart from the usual testing involving random ink blots and more random-colored beads (my friend actually had a whole psychological evaluation based on her choice of a pink stone), you can learn a lot of things about what kind of person someone is, depending on what he says first among those three.  I, for one, would choose to say the third statement first, just because in my heart of hearts I think it’s the coo...