Ram the Goat
by Marc Oliver Pasco This is a story about a goat named Ram. One day, Ram was walking along a field when he met another goat. He asked the goat, "Hey. What's your name?" The other goat replied, "My name is Nick. Are you a goat?" Ram was confused. He said, "No, I'm Ram. What's a goat?" "Well," Nick said, "I'm a goat. And you look like me. So you must also be a goat." "No, I'm Ram," Ram said. "And I'm white. You're brown. So I can't be a goat." "Where do you live?" Nick asked Ram. "I haven't seen you around here before." "I live on the other side of the road," Ram replied. "I came here because I was hungry." "Oh, okay." Nick said. "Maybe we can look for some grass to eat." So off they walked to find food. They found ...