Fare thee well
I am quitting again , or, in more accurate words, I am again saying farewell. Fare thee well. Fare well. Farewell. Goodbye. Colloquially, it is said by or to someone who departs, and it is a wishing well of someone in their travels, implicitly in a direction different from one you are taking or from where you are staying. It is said by and/or to one who will go away in a different land (whether metaphorically or topographically), or by and/or on whom you do not wish ill when you part ways. There is movement in that word, a movement to and from, which are in, by the demands of the word itself, different if not opposite directions. There is something strange about farewells. It is a cutting off: goodbye, we might not see each other again, we will end here. It is, however, also a well-wishing: fare well, we might not see each other again, but in your future endeavors, I wish you good happenings. It is a schizophrenic word and concept, for in its very utterance there is a di...