The announcement came from my friend, who was lonely and under all kinds of stress from school, who came over last night: "It's 10.9 degrees Celsius today." He came over with a bottle of wine. He was wearing, in all sensibility, a scarf, and in all insensibility, a pair of shorts. We finished the bottle of wine, and then another one, and went to bed shortly after he left. Today I woke up with the depression only binge-drinking can give, and had coffee while looking at my social media and files I can do for the day. I showered, bemoaning the fact that ours never seem to get quite the right temperature, and ended up having a cold one. I selected several files for the day, one of which was of a man and a woman talking about their lives and how it went downhill after a court case, ending with a plaintive, yet sad and final "Bye" from both ends. The file gave me an unpleasant taste in my mouth, so I then set about to cook for my nephew, his guest, myself, and Ti...