Three weekends in pictures

Start with ginger beer, go through ridiculously small doughnuts, pass through a memorial park, end with coffee and an extremely orgasmic sunset in a coffee shop up in Baguio. A family lunch capped off these three weekends, and all I can do is describe them in pictures, having no words for how it is like to leave my hometown and family again; having no words for how I am supposed to recalibrate my existential compass after life has done its work - happen.

We bought two when my sister went down to Manila for a while, and they made me burp a lot.

We went to the Loyola Memorial Cemetery one afternoon one day, and all I can take pictures of were dead plants among living ones, and a rusty chain on an equally rusted post, its yellow and black stripes peeling off the metal.


And one day we bought what are called "baby doughnuts" from Eastwood, where the resident band proved to us that some people still appreciate good, old, music.

Without my friends, Baguio coffee didn't taste as good, but the view, as usual, was spectacular.


 And the sun, caressing everything the same way Baguio does, make metal glint so beautifully it almost makes a sound.

So we take lots of pictures of the sky, believing for a while that we were seeing Mordor on a particularly forgiving day.

So ends our three weekends. Perhaps next time I will write about lighter, simpler, things.


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