A just-happened Valentine and a planet Tuesday

After tutoring unsuspecting students the entire Saturday morning, Pasco and I went out for a drive.  (By that I mean, once again, that he drove and I just happened to be out with him, and it also just happened to be Valentine's day.)  We didn't really plan on going out as a celebration of it, we just happened to be going out, just happened to pass by the restaurant we've been wondering about for months (for the place was always full), and just happened to go in, and later on proceeded to massacre all the food that just happened to be on our table.

The food was massacre-worthy: the croquettes were deceptively filling, the steak superb, and the buffalo wings made us hiss inwardly.  We briefly speculated about its hotness level in the Scoville scale, and concluded that it would be relatively low, since those on top would presumably kill anybody susceptible to heart attack.  Still, it did clear my sinuses, and after eating all we could we enjoyed the brief food coma which inevitably follows dining of this kind. What we didn't have the capacity and room to ingest we took out, which I ate for two days.  Yes.

On the way to Greenhills I took time to notice (by which I sadly realize means, "take pictures of") the city growing around me, which awakened my jaded mind to... nothing profound, really.  (In all fairness it might be all the food.)  It was a good day to take photographs - the sun was friendly, traffic was smooth, and my eyes seemed to see framed boxes of composition everywhere I look.  (Whether or not there is composition to the pictures I took is a different matter altogether.)  

It's a work day (Valentine's has nothing whatsoever to goddamn do with it).

In Greenhills we bought some toys, and Justice League 3000 Vol. 1: Yesterday Lives.  All in all it was a fine day, which just happened to be Valentine's.  

Today's Tuesday, and because I am aristocraticallly idle on Tuesdays, I fiddled around with the comics we got over the weekend, and started fixing Mogo.

Let me explain.  We bought a large Styrofoam ball to paint Mogo on.  Pasco gave me a soft spot for this character, and we've been planning to make him/her (see link again) for a long time.  So I started last night, and ended up with something that looks like a planet that got ejaculated on in a planetary orgy.  The clouds didn't work very well, even though the whole thing strangely works in pictures I took.  So I won't show a picture of porn Mogo, and will ask Earth to apologize on my very sorry and very amateur behalf. 

Also, he/she's got a large ass.
So I fixed the poster paint this morning, and ended up with a cleaner and a more morally decent green ball, albeit with dirty contour lines.  I did the best I could to erase the sperm clouds, which in turn messed with defining areas.

Banana for scale.
Ah well.  Maybe Mogo will see this and come down here to show me a few things about poster paint. Or planetary orgies.  It'll be glorious if he/she did that on Valentine's next year.


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