The light

We recently moved to rent a new house, as the one we were staying at - which is still under construction - lost the battle to mold and its cousins. Maybe we can move back someday, when, or if, it becomes done.

I am in love with the light in here, and most days, upon waking up, I just walk around basking in all the beams that find their way from the sun 93,000,000 miles away uninterrupted into the inside of the house. It's days and times like these when I have trouble sitting down in front of my computer and just working, as the entire house becomes illuminated with sunshine demanding to be inhaled, basked in, held.

The light comes from the bay window, which is facing the house beside us...


and lands on the stairs, beside which rest my mold-infested books. They deserve a good airing and sunbathing, but the beams don't quite reach them. Ah, well. A little ambient light might be good enough.

The light comes in from the window in front of the walkway to the house...

and from the doorway, which I open with joy during mornings like these. It remains open for the rest of the day, so long as it doesn't start to rain.

The light comes filtering through the balcony door in the upstairs bedroom...

and stays within the entire house from the rest of the windows.

I love days like these, when the sun is out, and there's a gentle breeze making the leaves outside faffle in gentle dances. It almost makes me want to be a better person all around.


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