Echo: Chapter 5

“Good morning,” I texted, and received an almost instantaneous phone call as a response, which, after five rings, I answered. I was looking for my glasses, which, of course, one needed glasses for. “Good morning. You’re up early,” Bjørn said, sipping his coffee and looking distracted, somehow. I squinted my eyes in order to divine why, and, having caught my look, he explained, “I’m looking at your picture, the one where you have a black t-shirt on.” I was thoroughly confused. And when I am confused, I commit small mistakes, the most common being that I open my mouth. However, this time, I didn’t do that. This failure further added to the general confusion all around. The reason for not saying anything immediately was I didn’t know which remark to make first: the fact that I have almost twenty of those shirts hanging in my closet, or the fact that what he was staring at on his phone is actually, in a similar yet different way, right there, on his phone. That threw me in ...